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Astrology for self-knowledge, healing and purpose

Are you interested in a choice-centred approach to astrology that focuses on looking at your birth chart from a healing and transformational perspective?

Personal and spiritual growth

I like to practise a humanistic and transpersonal type of astrology. The goal of humanistic astrology is self-actualisation and this means we are committed to exercising our free will and the creative power of choice where possible. For those who are following the transpersonal path, the goal is to strive to dedicate our selves to a higher purpose, to serve humanity and help make the planet a better place.

I believe that astrology can reveal something of our life purpose. A purpose-centred astrology seeks to answer the age-old questions of who am I?, why am I here?, where have I come from?, and where am I going?

Healing and transformation

My approach is to look at the birth chart from a healing and transformational perspective – to focus on resolving conflicts, re-imagining so-called difficult aspects, and suggesting healing modalities and tools to support this. In a nutshell, it is about mobilising our innate resources, turning our negatives into positives, looking for the gifts and opportunities in the challenges, and finding ways to creatively express our problematic energies.

The word ‘heal’ comes from the Germanic hailaz meaning ‘whole’. To heal is to make whole. And what a wonderful symbol of ‘wholeness’ we have in the round form of the horoscope. To look at the birth chart from a healing perspective is to see it as a symbol of our wholeness, of our journey towards self-actualisation. It is our own personal mandala.


My work follows in the tradition of a number of astrologers to whom I am deeply indebted, most notably Dane Rudhyar, Tracy Marks, Donna Cunningham, Jeffrey Wolf Green and Steven Forrest.

“Your lives are in your own hands. Your charts, like your lives, are open-ended, and like magic circles, are capable of transformation. You have such immense possibilities, and whatever possibilities you follow, every experience, no matter how difficult, can be a source of growth, strength and fulfillment. You can turn your conflicts into joys, your squares into trines”.
– Tracy Marks

Work with me

If this approach resonates with you and you would like to learn more about astrology and your unique potential as revealed in your birth chart, I would love to hear from you.